Monday, October 19, 2009

Italian Toast for merienda and Oystered-Chicken w/ Mushroom for dinner :)

To start off, I was inspired by the Story of Julia Child and Julie Powell.. And now I'm loving cooking even more..haha

I made a toasted bread topped with diced tomatoes,diced potatoes, sliced frankfurters with diced white onion and garlic and tomato sauce with my fave spice, BASIL LEAVES!!.YUM!!:D Upon typing this, I'm feeling hungry again.haha!! be continued.I'm sleepy already. I just got done with our final documentation for our thesis to be book binded on Thursday :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why blog?

For so many reasons, for some few reasons, for no reason...... People create blogs..


"In terms of why people blog, well, my belief is that it's to have a voice, however small. To think that just like the people who write those fancy opinion columns for The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, you too can share your thoughts, vent, and complain to the public at large. Having said that, there are lots of really smart bloggers who have interesting perspectives on the news, politics, sports, business, etc., people who wouldn't otherwise be heard in mainstream media."

-Dave Taylor, The Business Blog at

In my opinion, people blog for these possible reasons:

1. Express happiness

"Another reason of writing in a blog and website is freedom of design, layout and structure. Blogging gives this freedom."

2. Express Sadness

"Most of the people write blogs to express themselves. They are sure that on their blog they will get what they want printed. If they write articles or columns for newspapers they may or may not get printed. Writing a blog gives the power to each of us to get printed immediately. "

3. Express Love
......Whatever the pros and cons of blogging, one outcome is certain. Blogs give us the opportunity of writing what we want and get it printed.