Monday, July 13, 2009

♥ hello S.T.R.E.S.S.??

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Busy days are here again!

Red tlga?? :)) haha

O_o! kasi nman..super ang daming assignments then projects then ung thesis. i suuuuuper love sleep na.. Now i'm learning to appreciate what my parents are making me do when i was lil'.. They want me to sleep during afternoons. That'll make me healthy daw, and that i can't do anymore now. Got not much time just to lay down and do nothing.

Well, this is life, COLLEGE-LIFE as I may say. Yea! Indeed! Why am I wondering b? I know right?! I'm getting older, and needs to be more responsible. More tasks, more responsibilitites, more work for me.
Right now, we're doing our thesis interface. Actually, been doing this for almost a week now!! A week? what the?! Interface for more than a weeeeek???????

This is so not me..! grbe..hirap mg-adjust sa new front-end..
PHP to (f.y.i. using asp codes!)
July 4 consultation moved to July 11 moved to July 15.....
Good thing it was moved..Or else! we're so dead!:))
Alright..wish me luck! US pala..:))
♥ ;)

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