Sunday, December 5, 2010


Some things irritates me..that's normal. But people?
Yes..Some people does irritates me..
but the term "irritate" is not really appropriate for how or what I feel towards them..
It's more of disappointment, and a big "HUH??".

Yes. There are people who act like a know-it-all, when they really are empty-heads.
There are also those type who think they're TOO cool, in different ways.
Let me enumerate..
1. Those who kept puffin' cigarettes and tilt their heads up to emit their smoke,
which I think should be caught by police for smoke belching!! pff.
2. Those who think their pretty enough to talk sh*t and d*rty..
Feeling like they're the campus mean girls. Feeling popular and all..
3. Those who wear eye liners (makes them feel like a punk) who cannot, even once, open their minds that there's hope!
Like it's always the end of the world. And that there's no way out.
For Christ's sake..maybe wiping of the liner will do them something good?

I'm not very choosy or sensitive with people. Including those above mentioned..
But in some way, I've observed them and for my own prerogative, I sort of not liking them, like a good 20%?hihi..
We all should know how to act and live this life for ourselves, and not being so selfish, live for others too.
We don't live alone in this world.
We interact with people, consciously or subconsciously.
We affect others in any manner. So let us be a bit sensitive.

For anything's sake.

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