Monday, November 21, 2011

I prefer it in bed than anywhere else..

I'm taking the title literally! That's not something to green about ok? lol!
A typical day in my room.. Am I too lame to use the table or what?
So this is one tamad moment for me; When I use my laptop on my bed, even when my mom tells me to use the table so I can sit on a chair and fix my sitting posture.

I've got my own not-so-personal reasons why I like using my laptop in bed:
1. It's wider than a table. The feeling that I'm sitting on top of the table myself .hahaha!!
2. I can lay down anytime.
3. Much more comfy!
4. I can not just sit. I can use the laptop in any position I like. hahaha!
5. I've been infront of a desk 8 hours a day, 5 times a week. (except on meals and weekdays)

That's just a few but I sound quite reasonable right? But I'm also aware that I really really have to work on my posture.


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